Friday, October 13, 2006

5 answers for now:

1. What does LG stand for as in LG electronics (Korean giant)?
= Lucky Gold Star. Before this was rebranded as LG electronics, this was know as Lucky Gold Star.

2. What does the name Daewoo mean in Korean?
= Great Universe in Korean

3. School trivia!!! Name the revenue minister of Akbar
= Todarmal. As pointed out by Mr. Bellur he was one of the nine jems in the court of Akbar! Thanks for that, I had forgotten this.

4. Now Japanese... What does the brand name AKAI mean?
= AKAI means RED in Japanese.
Just fyi SHIROI = White & KUROI = Black in Japanese

5. Slighthly smoky..... On each pack and stick of cigarette manufactured by ITC the words "W.D & H.O Wills" is written. Just refer to some ads. What does this "W.D & H.O" stand for.
= William Days & Henry Overt Jr. These 2 guys started this tobacco business way back in 1826!!


Anonymous said...

got most right. except for the LG. but in the LG ads, it says LIFE'S GOOD! ;)
so, do i get the prize?

Shiv said...

I think u should be given a prize. But surely will think of material things later!

seerance said...

it is informative for us