Really do not know what to post. Sometimes me think of writing something, but by the time me log into Blogger, really forget the topic. A new calendar year has started and me not too enthused about it. Really did not feel that its new year???? All me thought was its a new CALENDAR year, isn't it!!
If at all me start to think of this year, a few thoughts come to my mind:
- This year me expecting a good pay increase and grade change, if not..........
- Thinking of buying a cycle, yes its a cycle. Bcoz, one it would help me save on petrol (and for the country.... so patriotic, ;-) ). Two, me will excercise a little, yes... cycling is as good as exercise.
- Thinking of saving some money and buying a digital camera - a decent 3-4 megapixel. Tired to thinking abt asking others to buy one or asking someone else.
- Waiting for the flowers to bloom in b'lore this january. Especially those yellow ones. Really lost out on the pink ones. Me talking abt flowers.... saw a few trees with the pink bloom. At that time thought which came to mind was .............. in japan they have a holiday for this very activity. Watching those beautiful flowers which would have bloomed in autum. Really cannot recollect the japanese word for this one.
Anyways, when think of japaenese, some japanese here (written in english!)
- Need to learn japanese language in full, i.e. atleast to a level that me can speak. Will mostly take up level 2 exam by end of this year if things go as planned.
- Marriage.................... ok, is this in the corner of my mind, would all depend on my parents.
- Need to build a good website for my organisation sevabharati. There is one kutty site already but need to ramp it up to including all sorts of information, with regular updates.
The other day was just thinking about the condition of roads in b'lore. In India, we have developed some good technology say, to indigeneously launch satellites, manufacture some planes & arms/ammunition. However, we dont still seem to have technology of building roads such that they withstand the ever increasing vehicle population and Indian monsoon. Offlate all roads in b'lore look like as if they have been scrapped like a carrot!! What do u say, isn't this true. On the other side all people like me do is comment/crib that roads aren't any good and do nothing. Me just feel its high time we took up some initiative on this front.
1 comment:
MAY end...almost half the way through...
3....HANAMI is the word for 4.watching cherry blossom in SPRING
5.MARRIAGE...good idea for a 6.change...still u have time for that in this year I suppose.
8.Finally the MONSOOOON has arrived...high time to take some initiative for next year atleast.
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